While many people are aware that Portland has problem with air toxins from highly publicized industrial polluters such as Bullseye Autoglass, few are aware of our areas extremely high levels of diesel pollution. As such we have prioritized public education and participatory action research. Since mid 2019 we have tabled and given workshops at over a dozen community events.
We have also partnered with groups like the Oregon Environmental Council to bring community members access to state of the art scientific equipment to test air quality in their neighborhoods for themselves. In addition to this we maintain a small inventory of in-home air quality monitors that we have made available to all of our Tool Library members. We are using these monitors to gather data not collected by any government regulatory agency.
We have also partnered with groups like the Oregon Environmental Council to bring community members access to state of the art scientific equipment to test air quality in their neighborhoods for themselves. In addition to this we maintain a small inventory of in-home air quality monitors that we have made available to all of our Tool Library members. We are using these monitors to gather data not collected by any government regulatory agency.